Vol. 23 No. 2 (2023)

The issue contains 13 Regular Open Access Articles covering various topics such as biostratinomic processes affecting a sauropod specimen, calcareous microfossils found in the Miocene of northwestern Argentina, bromatolites discovered in the Antarctic Peninsula, the use of paleolake as a proxy for paleoenvironmental reconstructions, new techniques for obtaining silicophytolites, and methodologies for the digitization of microscopic bodies. This text presents various first-time records of different species and fossils, including the first titonian record of Pediastrum Meyen, the first record of Indalecia in the Paleogene of Tucumán and the first fossil records from Cabo Raso (Chubut). Also, included articles about the richness of the fossil record in Jalisco (Mexico), nautiloids from the Eocene of the Baja California Peninsula (Mexico), the Pleistocene palaeoherpetofauna of Mar Chiquita (Buenos Aires) and a technical article that propose a methodology for palaeontological excavations of vertebrates in areas with high humidity.