
  • Ana María Báez Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, CABA, Argentina
  • Julia Brenda Desojo CONICET - Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina



Temnospondyli, Salientia, Anura, Fossil record, South America, Argentina


In this contribution we survey the amphibian specimens that belong to the paleontological collection of the La Plata Museum, with focus on the significance of these finds. Most specimens have been collected in fossil sites where amphibian remains had previously been discovered and often during geological explorations and fieldtrips in search for other vertebrates. Notwithstanding, most amphibian specimens in this collection provide information that has contributed immensely to shed light on the evolution of the phylogenetic branches to which they belong, as well as on the taxonomic composition and distribution of the South American amphibian faunas. Materials include representatives of Triassic Temnospondyli, Jurassic Salientia, and Cretaceous and Cenozoic crown group Anura.


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