
  • Laura Codorniú CONICET - Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina
  • David Rivarola CONICET - Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina
  • Gabriela Castillo-Elías CONICET - Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina | Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina
  • Federico Gianechini CONICET - Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina
  • Matías Rivarola CONICET - Universidad Nacional de San Luis, San Luis, Argentina



National University of San Luis, Argentina, Mesozoic reptiles, Archosauriforms, Pterosaurs, Pterodaustro, History


This contribution summarizes the history of paleontology in the Mesozoic sediments of the San Luis Province, as well as historical reviews of how the first activities related to the creation of a museum arise. The first findings in this province were made in the 1940s approximately, with the discovery of dinosaur footprints and later in 1963 the discovery of fragile bones. When the renowned paleontologist José Bonaparte managed to identify these bones as belonging to pterosaurs, a series of explorations were triggered in the region, revealing the first pterosaur for Argentina. From 1990 onward, Luis M. Chiappe conducted fieldwork in the Lagarcito Formation and collected hundreds of pterosaur specimens. From these investigations, a heritage emerged that would constitute the future basis of an important collection of fossil pieces, resulting in the best collection in the world of a single species of flying reptile, including its different ontogenetic stages. Here, the most important findings for this flying reptile from San Luis are summarized, as well as the first archosauriform remains from Triassic sediments. Throughout this report, we can appreciate the young paleoherpetological history of San Luis.


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