NOA, Calchaquíes valleys, Paleoenvironment, Vegetation, Arid and semi-arid environmentsAbstract
The present research aims to use phytoliths as proxies to carry out the paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the middle section of the Santa María Valley (Tucumán - Argentina) during the Late Holocene. This is to be considered within the broader regional and global paleoenvironmental context. For this purpose, sediment samples were taken from profiles located in different locations: Molle Yaco, Yasyamayo, and El Pichao. The phytolithic assemblages found reveal the existence of sections and subsections in which each of the profiles is divided. These reflect the presence of humid and cool conditions from pre-Christian era moments until approximately cal. 1,000 AP, when conditions become arid and warm, contemporaneously with the Medieval Warm Anomaly, and then resume temperate and cold episodes correlatable to the Little Ice Age. Current environmental conditions are represented by phytolithic assemblages describing arid and semi-arid vegetation.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Maria Gisela Lefebvre, Diego Alejandro Sampietro, Alejandro Fabian Zucol, María de los Milagros Colobig, María Marta Sampietro Vattuone

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